Product Application

The limited data available on iodine tolerance in cats support a provisional tolerated level of 5 mg I/kg complete feed. Consumers exposure was calculated in two scenarios applying the currently authorised maximum iodine contents in feed and reduced contents. The iodine content of food of animal origin, if produced taking account of the currently authorised maximum iodine content in feed, would represent a substantial risk to high consumers. The risk would originate primarily from milk consumption and to a minor extent from eggs. 

The UL for adults (600 µg/day) and for toddlers (200 µg/day) would be exceeded by a factor of 2 and 4, respectively. If the authorised maximum iodine concentrations for dairy cows and laying hens were reduced to 2 and 3 mg I/kg feed, respectively, the exposure of adult consumers would be below the UL. However, iodine intake in high-consuming toddlers would remain above the UL (1.6-fold). The formulated additive could pose a risk by inhalation to users. The preparation is non irritant to skin and eyes but may be a dermal sensitiser; coating may prevent the contact of the active substance to skin and eyes. 

The use of calcium iodate in animal nutrition is not expected to pose a risk to the environment. Calcium iodate is efficacious to meet iodine requirements. The FEEDAP Panel recommends the maximum iodine contents in complete feed be reduced: dairy cows/minor dairy ruminants, 2 mg I/kg; laying hens, 3 mg I/kg; horses, 3 mg I/kg; dogs, 4 mg I/kg; cats, 5 mg I/kg.

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